Edinboro University – Looking For Head Coach

Edinboro University is accepting online applications only for the Head Wrestling Coach position.  A full position description and qualifications for each position can be found at http://jobs.edinboro.edu/postings/5849.  The deadline to apply is April 29, 2018.  We would appreciate your posting this email, letting anyone who might be interested through email or by sharing the position link on your social media channels.  Only online applications are accepted.

Edinboro University is accepting online applications only for the Head Wrestling Coach position.  A full position description and qualifications for each position can be found at http://jobs.edinboro.edu/postings/5849.  The deadline to apply is April 29, 2018.  We would appreciate your posting this email, letting anyone who might be interested through email or by sharing the position link on your social media channels.  Only online applications are accepted.

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