December Scholastic Coaches Update

By George Way, Scholastic Director

With the upcoming Holiday Season fast approaching, it brings about the annual “Holiday Wrestling Tournament” events. This can be a time when several coaches are in the same gymnasium with a golden opportunity for valuable wrestling discussions. Whether these discussions take place in between sessions, in a coach’s hospitality room, or merely sitting in the bleachers together, it presents some time for wrestling reflection. Discussing the dynamics of your league, region, and state initiatives, as well as your program, can provide all coaches with greater insight through sharing. This can also offer an excellent way to stay informed, engaged, and excited about our sport, or at the minimum to share topic perspectives. In case you’re not sure where to start, I have listed a few areas that might strike a nerve. These can also be utilized at state and local coaches association meetings or included in agendas.

Girl’s wrestling continues to be the fastest-growing sport in our country. Where is your state in this growth? The issue of weight classes has also proven to be a recent topic of interest. (NWCA Survey has been distributed, please complete and submit). Recruitment and Retention continue to be at the top of everyone’s list. What are the coaches in your area doing to address this? Sport specialization, All-Star events, and off-season strength and fitness requirements are usually a concern. And still, the forfeit issue in dual meets remains our most critical issue (see Recruitment and Retention). Several things could be discussed, debated, and resolved if only we make an intentional effort to make these issues a priority.

We are all in this together, so I would encourage you to strike up some conversations with other coaches and look for some additional support and resources that facilitate the health and growth of wrestling in your area. The NWCA can assist you with answers to your questions relative to our state and national trends, participation numbers, and research-based studies and best practices, to name a few. Additionally, our website and the members-only portal can provide you with an array of information that can be utilized as conversation starters.

Best Wishes and share away!!

st wishes on your mission!! It’s an awesome responsibility and a most honorable profession that we have chosen. It’s also more challenging today than ever before, and great coaches and teachers are more needed today than ever before. Thanks for your contributions!

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